Drugs & Alcohol
Sex and Drugs
Recreational drugs and alcohol are part of the lives of many young people. Often no serious harm is caused, but this is not always the case.
Drugs and alcohol can have dramatic effects on your sexual behaviour. They can make you more likely to have casual sex, and less likely to use condoms, leaving you at risk of exposure to HIV and other sexually transmitted infections. Some drugs can also have a negative impact on your relationships or your sexual performance.
If you are concerned about your drug and alcohol use, contact one of the local support services listed below. Their services are free and confidential.
Local drug and alcohol support services
Reach Out (under 25s) 01249 461888
Specialist Drug & Alcohol Service (Kennet &
North Wiltshire) 01380 736630
Salisbury Alcohol & Drug Advisory Service 01722 412632
Druglink 01793 610133
Specialist Drug & Alcohol Service (Swindon) 01793 491917
Stepping Forward (13-18 yr olds) 01793 531166
Swindon & Wiltshire Alcohol & Drug Service (SWADS) 01793 695405
Specialist Drug & Alcohol Service (West Wiltshire) 01225 759940
Amber Foundation (17-30 yr olds) 01225 759900
Bath Area Drugs Advisory Service (BADAS) 01373 824060
Further information
For more information visit www.drugsinwiltshire.org.uk or www.talktofrank.com; or call the Talk To Frank helpline: 0800 77 66 00.
Download OUTING DRUGS, Men's Sexual Health's report on gay drug and alcohol use in Wiltshire and Swindon, from this page, or contact us to order a printed copy.