Sexual & General Health
Health MOT
We all should have a Health MOT; this year why not get a proper diagnosis of all those mystery aches and pains that we all seem to get from time to time? Here's your guide to the tests you must take this year.
DiabetesFrequency Yearly, over a quarter of people who have diabetes haven't been diagnosed. HIVFrequency Every Five Years, A third of people in the UK living with HIV have no idea that they are infected. Testicular CancerFrequency Monthly, This type of cancer is the most common in men between 20 and 39. Heart Attack (I)Frequency Every Five Years, 50% of heart attacks occur in people with normal LDL cholesterol. Body Mass IndexFrequency Every Three Years or whenever you gain weight, No surprise that 65% of adult men are overweight or obese. Blood PressureFrequency Yearly, You can pick up a home blood pressure meter for about £20 from boots. A reading below 90/60 mmHg is considered low. Tooth DecayFrequency Twice Yearly, Gum disease is usually reversible if caught early. |
StrokeFrequency Once at 40, then as necessary depending on results, someone in the UK suffers a stroke every five minutes. Prostate CancerFrequency Yearly, Two thirds of all prostate cancer cases are discovered in men 65 and older. Skin CancerFrequency Annual self-examination, professional every five years, this is now the most common form of cancer in the UK. Heart Attack (II)Frequency Once at 40 and then every five years, see if you're at risk. GlaucomaFrequency Once every two years, easily detected via a standard eye test. |
Colon CancerFrequency Once every five to ten years, or as necessary, over half of all men over 50 have never been screened for colon cancer. The survival rate is 93% if detected early enough. Hearing LossFrequency Every three years, hearing loss usually sets in after the age of 60, but can be accelerated by reckless behaviour. |
Mark Castle-Woodhams, March 2009