Hi, i just got married 8 months ago. my sex life was very much ok. we intercourse every day with good feelings. Suddenly 4 days ago i realised my Penis is not standing while foreplay. I thought its normal but the next day also same thing happen. its now 4 days my penis is not stand. its not stand even 20 percent. seems no feelings in my Penis. i m worried about it that. Pls suggest me. and let me know is there is any issue.
Asked by Srikant
29th October 2013 (in Sex)
Response from Men's Sexual Health:
Hello and thanks for getting in touch with us. What you are describing is a case of Erectile Dysfunction. This is when a man finds it difficult to get or maintain an erection. There are generally two types of ED, Physiological or Psychological. Physiological issues include - deterioration of the arteries (this is more common in older men), diabetes, smoking, alcoholism, overweight, hormone problems. Psychological issues include, Stress: which could be job related, money issues, relationship issues etc, Anxiety: Once a man experiences ED, he may become overly worried that the problem will happen again. This can lead to "performance anxiety," or a fear of sexual failure, and consistently lead to ED, Guilt: A man may feel guilty that he is not satisfying his partner, Depression : A common cause of ED, depression affects a person physically and psychologically. Depression can cause ED even when a man is completely comfortable in sexual situations. Drugs used to treat depression may also cause ED, Low self-esteem: This can be due to prior episodes of ED (thus a feeling of inadequacy) or can be the result of other issues unrelated to sexual performance, also Childhood abuse has been related to ED. Some men suffer with more than one of the above issues, as some of these cause some of the others to occur.
Are you able to get an erection when you masturabte alone, if you are then it probably shows that there is nothing wrong physiologically with you and this it is more of a psychological issue.
We would recommend speaking to your GP/Doctor so they can determine if it a physiological issue or a psychological issue. The best way to solve psychological ED is therapy with a professional counsellor sex therapist. Discussing you anxiety and fears and concerns will be a big step in dealing with them and overcoming them. Being open and honest with your partner will help this, and may benefit in both attending therapy. If its physiological they will be able to run the appropriate tests and prescribe the right course of treatment for this, please do not seek medications online, you risk being prescribed the wrong medicine or worse, purchasing fake medicine that could end up doing more harm than good, so please make an appointment with your own doctor. But based on what you have said in your question, its prob psychological, performance anxiety, so counselling may help. Please let us know if we can be of further help.
Answered by team member Matt
1st November 2013
When I jack it out and the white thing is about to come out my penis hurts
2 1Answered by Ayaan
29th February 2016
To determine whether it is psychological you may want to focus on your train of thought.
The only thing that should be in your head is what you are going to do with your partner, the touch and feel. You can get yourself turned on if you are good at picturing things and have a good imagination.
Personally I use it both ways, this way I can control my ejaculation mentally. It prevents premature ejaculation and gets you ready faster.
Answered by Kenn
6th July 2016
I may not have clarified enough. If you use the method I mentioned you must be able to think of specific things only. If you think "Am I doing this right?" you have failed already. My girlfriend says she can see it in my eyes clearly when I am focusing my thoughts on this.
0 1Answered by Kenn
6th July 2016
Which Doctor should we go to for Such Disease Could any one Tell Please ?
Like for tooth we go to Dentist, for ears we go to ENT and Which doctor should we to for such Disease ?
Answered by Abdullah
19th August 2016
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