News Item
Free LGB Training Course

Mens Sexual Health is running a half day course designed to raise awareness and understanding of the LGB (lesbian, gay, and bisexual) community.
As many people are employed within the public, private and voluntary sectors, there is a great need for organisations to learn more about the LGB community in order to promote equal opportunities, awareness of potential issues and sensitivities and ways to support.
The training is aimed at professionals in any agency who may be called upon to support, advise, treat or otherwise assist a member from the LGB community. It is also useful for those who wish to increase their knowledge about the LGB community. There is an emphasis on LGB youth during the training but the topics discussed are applicable to all ages.
The course will increase participants understanding on the following issues, homophobia, sexuality, discrimination & prejudice, hetrosexism, stereotyping and a basic sexual health, with the overall aim being that participants are then able to implement, plan and deliver best practice within their place of work for the LGB community.
We currently have spaces available on the following dates for those who are interested in attending
Swindon December 11th 9.30am - 12:00pm
If you would like to book a space please call us on 01793 250951 or email to request a booking form. Spaces are limited so please book asap. The course is FREE to any professional that works in Swindon, anyone outside of the Swindon area will be require to pay a course fee.
Published: 23rd February 2013 by Matt (updated Thu 21st Jan)