All questions tagged with oral sex

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Gay Virgins

Can two gay men get an std or sti during anal and oral sex.? both are virgins and std free.

Asked by anonymous
9th March 2013 (in Sex)

Tags: gay oral sex sti

Response from Men's Sexual Health:

Hello and thanks for contacting Men's Sexual Health. There is a fair lot to discuss here! For a start, only each individual person knows if they are a virgin. By this I mean that some people claim to be virgins for many reasons, one of which could be to ensure that the other person thinks they are STD/STI clean. I'm not saying the other person is lying, but it's something to keep in mind as only you can be sure of your own virginity. Also I might question the term "virgin" - does that mean they have not had penetrative sex, but have explored other sexual activity, or that they have had no sexual activity at all? Different people apply the term virgin in various ways depending on how much or what kind of sexual activity they have or haven't experienced. The concern is that one or both people who claim to be virgins may have had oral sex, for example, which DOES put them at risk of certain STI's/STD's. So, although a virgin in anal/vaginal sex, it doesn't mean 100% virgin or 100% free of STI/STD. What I'm saying is that if both are truly 100% virgins it is pretty unlikely that a transmission of an STI would occur - we would never say it's impossible as it would be wrong of us to suggest this. However, you need to be aware that sex with any new partner carries some amount of risk even if one or both claim to be virgins based on the information we discussed at the start. Also some people think they have no STI's because many STI's have no visible signs or symptoms.

Condoms offer the best protection against STI's and HIV, if you do not plan/want to use condoms we would suggest a visit to your local GUM clinic. You can go as a couple, you could both be tested and get the results together and then you would know for sure that you are both free from STI's. It may sound like a lot of bother, but you should never go ahead and have sex just because you both "claim" to be virgins as this might cause you harm without having all the information and knowledge of the possible risks. Having sex for the first time is a big step, please ensure it is something you both want and that neither partner is being pressured into something they are not ready for. We would also recommend using lube for anal sex; due to the lack of natural lubrication in the arse, this will also help reduce any pain.

Condoms offer the best protection against STI's/HIV, if you do not plan/want to use condoms we would suggest a visit to your local GUM clinic, you can go as a couple, you could both be tested and get the results together then you would know for sure that you are both free from STI's. It may sound like a lot to go through with, but we could never say go ahead and have sex because you both claim to be virgins to then put you at harm with out full information and knowledge of what the risks are. Having sex for the first time is a big step, please ensure it is something you both want, and neither partner is being pressured into something they are not ready for. We would also recommend using lube for anal sex, due to the lack of natural lubrication in the arse, this will also help reduce any pain. If you live in Swindon, we can order free condoms and/or lube from our website. Please get back in touch if you would like further advice on this subject

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Answered by team member Matt
11th March 2013

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Testicels disappear while having Oral

Hi, I'm 19 years old and this wierd thing happened yesterday. I was with my girlfriend, and she was giving me an oral (BJ)... but after some time, i noticed my balls went completely in, I mean...they weren't hanging there, but they went IN, they disappeared (like they were pulled inside lol, like in some porn movies). Is that normal ? Maybe it is from the satisfaction ? Should I worry about it ?

Asked by anonymous
3rd April 2013 (in Sex)

Tags: testicles oral sex

Response from Men's Sexual Health:

Hello and thanks for getting in touch with MSH. What you are discribing is a situation called Retractile Testicles. When a man becomes sexually aroused, a number of different muscles involuntarily contract which regulates everything from blood supply, to positioning of the genitals. One such muscle is called the Cremaster muscle, which lifts the testicles up. This usually happens when a male is extremely aroused. And it will naturally descend when no longer aroused. The problem occurs when/if it doesn't return to its testicle sack, if this was to ever occur you should visit your GP or A/E to get it manipulated out, but this is extremely rare to occur, but just worth noting. So yes please don't worry, this happens to lots of men, but not all. We hope this has put you mind at ease, please do get back in touch if you have any further concerns.

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Answered by team member Matt
9th April 2013

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i want to know is it possible to catch any disease or virus if we just kiss the vagina/anal areas and and lick just outside and not inside.

Asked by anonymous
25th November 2009 (in Sex)

Tags: oral sex virus disease

Response from Men's Sexual Health:

There are several risks involved in the licking and kissing of virginal/anal areas of the body, especially internal licking. One of the most common infections is Hepatitis B, which can be contracted from any residue faecal matter, especially around the anal area. You could also contract Chlamydia, which is a bacterial infection and is on the increase in the UK and can be caught through licking (Remember a high percentage of people with Chlamydia do not display any symptoms). Unfortunately most STIs (sexually Transmitted Infections) can also be caught through oral sex, which you should be aware of; but you also have to bear in mind that many people do enjoy oral sex without any complications or contracting infections. On our website we have a comprehensive guide to all the possible STI’s which we would recommend you look at so that you can decide for yourselves the risks involved.

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Answered by team member Tim
3rd December 2009

Azithromycin is the main treatment for Chlamydia

1 gram – single dose Efficacious and well tolerated Highly effective ( 95%) and compliance high

You take two tablets together and these get to work in the system and after about 7 days the infection is cleared it is recomended that poeple abstain from sexual contact until both partners are 7 days post treatment. For further information on Chlamydia see or contact the screening team on

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Answered by Tracy Daszkiewicz
5th January 2010

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Advice on testing for only unprotected oral

Hi, I am a bisexual male and last tested in March 2012 for HIV, Syphilis, Gonorrhoea and Chlamydia with all results being negative. My only form of unprotected sex is when someone is sucking me. I do frequently visit gay cruising areas and gay bath houses but only engage in protected oral sex if am sucking a penis, if some one is performing oral sex on me most of the time it is without protection. I have read other forums but they only give a guide for one instance not multiple incidents i.e. 20 males over 7 months So my question is do I need to retest and should I be concerned for any STDS? Thank you for taking the time to read my question Joe

Asked by Joe
9th November 2012 (in Sex)

Tags: penis unprotected chlamydia gay oral sex testing sti hiv syphilis gonorrhoea

Response from Men's Sexual Health:

Hi Joe, thanks for getting in touch with your concern. Oral sex generally is a low risk activity, and you have reduced risk of transmission by using condoms when you give oral. But yes there is risk that you could catch something from someone when they perform oral sex on you without you also wearing a condom, for example, you can get chlamydia in the throat, so if you get sucked off by someone who has that, its likely this will be passed on to your penis, and then if someone else sucks you off, you could then infect their throat. Also multiple partners also increases risk, as shown in my previous example. Oral sex is very low risk of HIV, but yes there is risk of other STI's. We normally recommend getting tested after each new partner, but when engaging in multiple partners this isn't always practical, so maybe at least once a month, if you are constantly engaging in activity if any part of it is unsafe. But this could also be discussed with the person who treats you at the GUM clinic, they may suggest a different time frame. I hope this has helped answer your question, feel free to get back in touch if you would like further advice.

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Answered by team member Matt
12th November 2012

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Accidentally split azithromycin dose

I contracted genital gonorrhea through unprotected oral sex with a partner and took a course of doxycycline (100mg twice per day for seven days). I received a injection in the buttock yesterday (though I'm not sure what antibiotic this was) and was also given a further course of the antibiotic azithromycin. The doctor wasn't very clear as to how to take the azithromycin and I took one 250mg tablet about 12 hours before realising that all four tablets were intended to be taken as a 1mg single dose. I immediately took the remaining 750mg. My question is, given that I've had both an injection and a course of doxycycline, is this misunderstanding of the azithromycin (and the 12 hour gap between the first 250mg and the remaining 750mg) likely to mean that I still have the infection? Do I need to seek treatment or testing again?

Asked by anonymous
22nd November 2012 (in Sex)

Tags: unprotected oral sex testing sti

Response from Men's Sexual Health:

Hello and thank you for getting in touch with us. With this specific incident, due to the nature of the personal prescription we could not really comment on it, as we don't know any of your medical history and although medication for STI's can be seen as universal, it could actually be person specific based on many other factors. So for this we would say that you should call the clinic back up and discuss the issues you have pointed out above and I'm sure one of the clinicians will be able to give you a correct answer based on your records they hold. Sorry we couldn't be more specific but hopefully you can understand why we on this occasion we can't be.

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Answered by team member Matt
22nd November 2012

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Penis problem

when my girlfriend performs oral sex upon me i get a little clear fluid come from my penis. what is this?

Asked by callum fry
15th November 2014 (in Sex)

Tags: penis oral sex

Response from Men's Sexual Health:

It sounds as if you are describing “precum”. This is a clear fluid that is often released as you get roused – for example when she gives you oral sex, but it can also happen when she simply handles your penis, or when you do. Some guys produce a lot, some none at all. It is a part of the fluid that you produce when you reach a climax – sometimes it also contains sperm, though mostly it doesn't. It is normal and nothing to worry about.

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Answered by team member Dr Peter
9th January 2016